Imam Moosa Kazim (as) on Abu Bakr and Umar

حدثنى محمد بن الحسن رضى الله عنه قال : حدثنى محمد بن الحسن الصفار قال : حدثنى عباد بن سليمان عن محمد بن سليمان الديلمى عن السحاق به عمار الصيرفى عن ابى الحسن الماضى عليه السلام قال : قلت :جعلت فداك حدثنى فيهما بحديث فقد سمعت عن ابيك فيهما احاديث عده قال : فقال لى : يا اسحاق الاول بمنزله العجل و الثانى بمنزله السامرى قال : قلت : جعلت فداك زدنى فيهما قال : هما و الله نصرا و هودا و مجسا فلا غفر الله ذلك لهما قال : قلت : جعلت فداك زدنى فيهما قال : ثلاثه لا ينظر الله اليهم و لا يزكيهم و لهم عذاب اليم قال : قلت : جعلت فداك فمن هم قال : رجل ادعى اماما من غير الله و آخر طعن فى امام من الله و آخر زعم ان لهما فى الاسلام نصيبا قال :قلت : جعلت فداك زدنى فيهما قال : ما ابالى يا اسحاق محوت المحكم من كتاب الله او حجدت محمدا صلى الله عليه و آله النبوه او زعمت ان ليس فى السماء اله او تقدمت على على بن ابى طالب عليه السلام قال : قلت : جعلت فداك زدنى قال : فقال لى : يا اسحاق ان فى النار لواديا يقال له : سقر لم يتنفس منذ خلقه الله لو اذن الله له فى التنفس ‍ بقدر مخيط لا حرق من على وجه الارض و ان اهل النار يتعوذون الله له فى التنفس بقدر مخيط لا حرق من على وجه الارض و ان اهل النار يتعوذون من حر ذلك الوادى و نتنه و قذره و ما اعدالله فيه لاهله و ان فى ذلك الوادى لجبلا يتعوذ جميع اهل ذلك الجبل لشعبا يتعوذ جميع اهل ذلك الجبل من حر ذلك الشعب و نتنه و قذره و ما اعدالله فيه لاهله و ان فى ذلك الشعب لقليبا يتعوذ اهل ذلك القليب لحيه يتعوذ جميع اهل ذلك القليب من خبث تلك الحيه و نتنها و قذرهاو ما عدالله عزوجل فى انبابها من السم لاهلها و ان فى جوف تلك الحيه لسبع صناديق فيها خمسه من الامم السالفه و اثنان من هذه الامه قال : قلت ، جعلت فداك و من الخمسه و من الاثنان قال : اما الخمسه فقابيل الذى قتل هابيل و نمرود الذى حاج ابراهيم فى ربه قال : انا احيى و اميت و فرعون الذى قال : انا ربكم الاعلى و يهودا الذى هود اليهود و بولس الذى نصر النصارى و من هذه الامه اعرابيان

Narrated to me Mohammad Ibn Al-Hasan from Mohammad Ibn Al-Hasan As-Saffaar from Abbaad Ibn Sulayman from Mohammad Ibn Sulayman Ad-Daylami from Is’haq Ibn Ammar As-Sairfi who asked Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (as), he said:

I said to Imam Moosa Kadhim (as); May I be sacrificed for you, please tell me about those two persons (i.e. Abu Bakr and Umar). I have heard a lot of traditions about them from your father."

Imam (as) replied, "O Is'haq! The first one is like the calf and second like Samiri."

I said: "please tell me more about them two, may I be sacrificed for you".

Imam said, "I swear by Allah! Those two made people Jews, Christians and Magoosi, May Allah not forgive them."

I said: "Please tell me more about them two, may I be sacrificed for you."

Imam continued, "There are three kinds of people at whom, on the Day of Judgment, Allah will not look and He will not purify them and for them there will be painful suffering."

I asked: "May I be sacrificed for you, who are they?"

Imam said: “A man who claims to be an Imam and, in fact, it is not from Allah, and the other one is someone who taunts an Imam appointed by Allah. Third is the person who thinks that the two (i.e. Abu Bakr and Umar) had any share in Islam."

I said said, "May I be sacrificed for you, please tell me more about them two."

Imam (as) replied, "There is no difference, O Aba Is'haq, if I delete a verse of the Book of Allah or if I deny the Prophet-hood of Mohammad or if I claim that there is no lord in the heavens or if I proceed ahead of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (as)."

I said, "May I be sacrificed for you, please tell me more."

Imam (as) said, "O Is'haq! There is a valley in Hell called Saqar. It hasn’t taken a breath since the time Allah created it. If Allah had permitted it to take in the breath equal to the tip of a needle, it would have sucked all the people of earth with it and burnt them to ashes. The people of Hell seek refuge from its extreme heat, stink, filth and chastisement, which Allah has prepared for those who deserve it. There is a mountain inside it. All the residents of this mountain seek refuge from the extreme heat, stink, filth and chastisement of it, which Allah has prepared for them. Surely there is a ravine in this mountain. All the residents of this mountain seek refuge from the extreme heat, stink, filth and chastisement of this, which Allah has prepared for its residents. There is a well in that ravine and all the residents of this ravine seek refuge from the extreme heat, stink, filth and chastisement of this well, which is prepared by Allah for its residents. There is a serpent in that well. The residents of this well seek refuge from the filth, stink and poison of this serpent, which is made for its residents by Allah. There are seven boxes inside this serpent, out of which five are concerned with past Ummahs and two are related to this Ummah."

I asked, “May I be sacrificed for you, who are those five among the past and two in the present?"

Imam (as) replied, "As far as the past five are concerned, they are Qabeel; for he murdered his brother Habeel, Nimrod for he fought with Ibrahim (as) regarding the Lord and said that he gives life and death, Pharaoh; for he said that he was the supreme lord to his subjects, Yahuda; for he made people Jew and Paul, who made people Christians and from this Ummah are the two Arabs (i.e. Abu Bakr and Umar)."

[Source: Sawaab al-A'amal wa Iqaab al-A'amal, Pg. 615]

The narration is Hasan (Good) as per the chain of narrators