Angel Futrus and Imam Husain (as)

Abdullah bin Hisham narrated from Abul Hasan Ali bin Musa Al-Redha (as), from his father, from his grandfather, from his father, from the Messenger of Allah (saww):

عن النبي ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) قال

كان ملك الكروبين يقال له : فطرس وكان الله عز وجل بمكان فارسله برسالة فأبطأ فكسر جناحه فألقاه بجزيرة من جزائر البحر ، فلما ولد الحسين بن علي ( عليه السلام ) أرسل الله عز وجل جبرئيل في ألف من الملائكة يهنئون رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) بمولود ويخبرونه بكرامته على ربه عز وجل ، فمر جبرئيل بذلك الملك ، فكان بينهما خلة ، فقال فطرس : يا روح الله الأمين أين تريد ؟

قال : ان هذا النبي التهامي وهب الله عز وجل له ولدا استبشر به أهل السماوات وأهل الأرض ، فارسلني الله تعالى إليه اهنيه وأخبره بكرامته على ربه عز وجل ، قال : هل لك أن تنطلق بي معك إليه يشفع لي عند ربه فانه سخي جواد ، فانطلق الملك مع جبرئيل ( عليه السلام ) فقال : ان هذا ملك من الملائكة الكروبين كان له من الله تعالى مكان فارسله برسالة فأبطأ فكسر جناحه وألقاه بجزيرة من جزائر البحر وقد أتاك لتشفع له عند ربك ، فقام النبي ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) فصلى ركعتين ودعا في آخرهن

اللهم اني أسألك بحق كل ذي حق عليك وبحق محمد وأهل بيته ، أن ترد على فطرس جناحه وتستجيب لنبيك وتجعله آية للعالمين ، فاستجاب الله تعالى لنبيه ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) وأوحى إليه أن يأمر فطرس أن يمرر جناحه على الحسين ( عليه السلام ) ، فقال رسول الله لفطرس : امرر جناحك الكسير على هذا المولود ففعل فسبح فأصبح صحيحا ، فقال : الحمد لله الذي من علي بك يارسول الله ، فقال النبي لفطرس : أين تريد ؟ فقال : ان جبرئيل أخبرني بمصرع هذا المولود واني سألت ربي أن يجعلني خليفة هناك

قال : فذلك الملك موكل بقبر الحسين ( عليه السلام ) ، فإذا ترحم عبد على الحسين أو تولى أباه أو نصره بسيفه ولسانه ، انطلق ذلك الملك الى قبر رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) فيقول : ايتها النفس الزكية فلان بن فلان ببلاد كذا وكذا يتولى الحسين ويتولى أباه ونصره بلسانه وقلبه وسيفه ، قال : فيجيبه ملك موكل بالصلاة على النبي ان بلغه عن محمد السلام وقل له : ان مت على هذا فأنت رفيقه في الجنة

Prophet Muhammad (saww) said:

Futrus was one of the high-ranked angels, Allah had sent him on a mission somewhere but he procrastinated, so Allah (swt) broke (one of) his wings and threw him on an island.

When Husain (as) was born, Allah (swt) sent Jibraeel with one thousand angels to congratulate the Messenger of Allah (saww) on the birth of Husain (as) and to inform him of the status of Husain (as).

When Jibraeel passed by Futrus, Futrus asked him, "Where are you going?"

Jibraeel replied, "Allah has bestowed a son on His Prophet (saww). All the inhabitants of the world are overjoyed about this news. So Allah (swt) has sent me to congratulate him and tell him the status of his son in Allah's (swt) eyes."

Futrus asked, "Would you take me with you to the Prophet (saww) so I can ask him to intercede on my behalf because he is generous."

So Jibraeel brought the angel to the Messenger of Allah (saww) and said,

"Futrus was one of the high-ranked angels, Allah had sent him on a mission somewhere but he procrastinated, so Allah (swt) broke (one of) his wings and threw him on an island. He has come to you to ask that you intercede on his behalf."

The Messenger of Allah (saww) prayed 2 rakats of salaat, after which he said,

"O Allah! I ask You by the right of anyone who has any rights on You, and I ask you by the right of Muhammad (saww) and his family (as) to give Futrus his wing back and answer the prayers of Your Prophet (saww), and make it (this incident) a proof for all of the worlds."

Allah (swt) accepted the prayer of the Prophet (saww), and told him through revelation to order Futrus to touch Husain (as) with his broken wing.

The Prophet (saww) told Futrus, "Rub your broken wing on Husain (as)." Futrus did as he was told and his wing was fixed.

Futrus said, "Praise be to Lord who bestowed his favor on me through You, O Messenger of Allah (saww)."

The Prophet (saww) asked Futrus, "Where will you go now?"

Futrus replied, "Jibraeel told me about the land on which this new born baby will be killed, so I have asked my Lord to appoint me as Husain's (as) caliph on that land."

The Prophet (saww) continued,

Futrus is delegated to the grace of Husain (as) and whenever any slave of Allah (swt) mentions Husain (as) or whenever anyone shows his love or support for his (Husain's) father with his sword or his tongue, Futrus comes to my grave (Prophets grave) and says, "O Purified soul! This slave - and he will mention the (person's) name - loves Husain (as) and loves his father with his heart, tongue and sword."

Then the angel who is responsible for Salawat will reply to Futrus, "Convey the Salaam of Muhammad (saww) to this slave and tell him that if he dies with this belief, you (Futrus) will take him to Paradise."

[Source: Al-Kharaej 1:253 / Basharat ul Mustafa Le Shiyyat e Murtuza Chapter.7 Hadees.30]