Objection upon Azadari and reply of 11th Imam

The below 2 narrations highlight the staunch reply of Imam Hasan Askari (as) to the one who objects to the Imam's tearing his shirt upon the martyrdom of his father Imam Ali Naqi (as).

أحمد بن علي بن كلثوم السرخسي، قال: حدثني أبو يعقوب اسحاق بن محمد البصري، قال: حدثني محمد بن الحسن بن شمون، و غيره قال: خرج أبو محمد عليه السّلام في جنازة أبي الحسن عليه السّلام و قميصه‏ مشقوق‏، فكتب اليه أبو عون الابرش قرابة نجاح بن سلمة: من رأيت أو بلغت من الائمة شق ثوبه في مثل هذا.

فكتب اليه أبو محمد عليه السّلام: يا أحمق و ما يدريك ما هذا قد شق موسى على على هارون عليهما السلام.

Abu Mohammad Imam Hasan Askari (as) came out in the funeral of Abi al-Hasan Imam Ali Naqi (as) in such a state that His shirt was torn. So Abu Aon al-Abrash wrote to the Imam saying, "Who has seen or heard from any of the Imam's (as) tearing of the dress like what you did?"

Imam Hasan Askari (as) wrote back to him saying, " O' Fool, what do you understand what this is, verily Prophet Moosa tore his shirt for Haroon (as)."

[Source: Rijaal al-Kashi, Pg. 572, Hadith. 1084]

أحمد بن علي، قال حدثني اسحاق قال: حدثني ابراهيم بن الخضيب الانباري، قال: كتب أبو عون الابرش قرابة نجاح بن سلمة الى أبي محمد عليه السّلام أن الناس قد استوحشوا من شقك ثوبك على أبي الحسن عليه السّلام.

فقال: يا أحمق ما أنت و ذاك قد شق موسى على هارون عليهما السلام، ان من الناس من يولد مؤمنا و يحيى مؤمنا و يموت مؤمنا، و منهم من يولد كافرا و يحيى كافرا و يموت كافرا، و منهم من يولد مؤمنا و يحيى مؤمنا و يموت كافرا، و أنك لا تموت حتى تكفر و تغير عقلك.

فما مات حتى حجبه ولده عن الناس و حبسوه في منزله، في ذهاب العقل و الوسوسة، و لكثرة التخليط، و يرد على أهل الامامه، و انكشف عما كان عليه‏

So Abu Aon al-Abrash wrote to Imam Hasan Askari (as) saying, "Surely the people are disliking your tearing of your shirt upon (the martyrdom of) Imam Ali Naqi (as)".

Imam Hasan Askari (as) replied to him, " O' Fool, Who are you, verily Prophet Moosa tore his shirt for Haroon (as). Verily from the people are those who are born as believers, live as believers and die as believers. And there are those who are born disbelievers, live as disbelievers and die as disbelievers. And there are those who are born as believers, live as believers and die as disbelievers. And you will not die until you disbelieve and your brain changes.

Then he did not die until his children hid him from the people and locked him in his room because of him loosing his mind and whisperings (of Satan) and excess of confusion and rejecting the Imamat.

[Source: Rijaal al-Kashi, Pg. 572, Hadith. 1085]