AhlulBait (as) - The reason behind the creation of everything
The below narrations [in addition to the narration of Hadith-e-Kisa] prove that Allah (swt) created the world and everything because of the AhlulBait (as) and if the AhlulBait (as) were not there then Allah (swt) would not have created anything.
Narration 1:
يا علي لولا نحن ما خلق الله آدم ولا حواء ولا الجنة ولا النار، ولا السماء ولا الارض
Prophet Mohammad (saww) said to Imam Ali (as), "O' Ali (as), If We were not there, then Allah (swt) would not have created Adam (as) and Hawa (sa) and the heaven and the hell and the sky and the earth."
[Source: Elal al-Sharae - Shaikh Sadooq, Vol. 1, Pg. 5]
(Part of a lengthy narration, only required portion quoted here)
Narration 2:
In a lengthy narration from Imam Jafar Sadiq (as), when talking about Adam (as) and Hawa (sa) ..
فقال الله جل جلاله: لولا هم ما خلقتكما
Allah (swt) said to Adam and Hawa, "If they [referring to the AhlulBait (as)] were not there then I would not have created both of you."
[Source: Ma'ani al-Akhbar - Shaikh Sadooq, Pg. 109]
Narration 3:
In Hadees-e-Kudsi, Allah (swt) says to Prophet Mohammad (saww);
لولاك ما خلقت الافلاك
"If You were not there, then I would not have created the universe."
[Source: Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 16, Pg. 406 - Quoting from Manaqib-ibn Shehr Ashoob & Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 54, Pg. 199 - Quoting from Kitab al-Anwar of Abul Hasan al-Bakari (one of the teachers of Shaheed al-Thani)]
Narration 4:
فأوحى الله إليه يا آدم إنه لآخر النبيين من ذريتك، فلو لا محمد ما خلقتك
Allah (swt) send revelation to Adam (as), "O' Adam (as), He (ِi.e. Prophet Mohammad ص) is the Last prophet from your progeny and if Mohammad was not there, then I would not have created you."
[Source: Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 16, Pg. 367, quoting form Qasas al-Anbiya through a chain of Shaikh Sadooq]
Narration 5:
Prophet Mohammad (saww) in a long narration when talking about Mera'aj says the following about what Allah (swt) told the Prophet (saww)
لولاك ما خلقت آدم و لو لا علي ما خلقت الجنة
Allah (swt) said to the Prophet (saww), "If you were not there then I would not have created Adam (as) and if Ali (as) was not there then I would not have created the heaven."
[Source: Al-Yaqeen - Sayed ibn Taoos, Pg. 426]
Narration 6:
عن علي عليه السلام عن النبي صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم: ولولانا لم يخلق الجنّة والنار ولا الأنبياء ولا الملائكة
Narrated from Imam Ali (as) that Prophet Mohammad (saww) said, "If we were not there then the heaven and the hell and the Messengers and angels would not have been created."
[Source: Kifayat al-Asar Fee Nass ala Aaimmah Ithna Ashar, Pg. 158]
Narration 7:
In a lengthy narration Prophet Mohammad (saww) talking about Mera'aj says:
وأوحى الله إليّ ..لولاكم ما خلقت الدنيا ولا الآخرة ولا الجنّة ولا النار
Prophet Mohammad (saww) said, "Allah (swt) send down revelation to me saying, "If you all were not there then I would not have created the world and the hereafter and the heaven and the hell."
[Source: Kifayat al-Asar Fee Nass ala Aaimmah Ithna Ashar, Pg. 72 & Irshaad al-Quloob, Pg. 416]