Difference/Disputes among Shia and Reply from the Imam's (asws)
What to do in matters of differences/disputes amongst the Shias??
عدة من أصحابنا، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن ابن سنان، عن ابن مسكان عن سدير قال: قلت لأبي جعفر عليه السلام: إني تركت مواليك مختلفين يتبرء بعضهم من بعض قال: فقال: وما أنت وذاك، إنما كلف الناس ثلاثة: معرفة الأئمة، والتسليم لهم فيما ورد عليهم، والرد إليهم فيما اختلفوا فيه
A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Isa from ibn Sinan from ibn Muskan from Sadir who has said the following:
"Once I said to Abu Jafar Imam Baqir (asws), "I just left your supporters differing/disputing amongst themselves and disassociating (Tabarra) from each other."
The Imam then asked, "What do you have to do with their conditions? People have three obligations. They must recognize the Imam's (asws), submit to the instructions they have received from the Imam's (asws), and return back to them in matters of disputes and differences."
[Source: al-Kafi, Vol. 1, Pg. 390]
Tafweed and Incident of Husain bin Rooh:
منها ما أخبرني به الحسين بن عبيد الله، عن أبي عبد الله الحسين بن علي بن سفيان البزوفري رحمه الله، قال: حدثني الشيخ أبو القاسم الحسين بن روح رضي الله عنه قال: اختلف أصحابنا في التفويض وغيره، فمضيت إلى أبي طاهر بن بلال في أيام استقامته فعرفته الخلاف، فقال: أخرني فأخرته أياما فعدت إليه فأخرج إلي حديثا باسناده إلى أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال
إذا أراد [الله] أمرا عرضه على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم، ثم أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام [وسائر الأئمة] واحدا بعد واحد إلى (أن) ينتهي إلىصاحب الزمان عليه السلام ثم يخرج إلى الدنيا، وإذا أراد الملائكة أن يرفعوا إلى الله عز وجل عملا عرض على صاحب الزمان عليه السلام، ثم (يخرج) على واحد [بعد] واحد إلى أن يعرض على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم، ثم يعرض على الله عز وجل فما نزل من الله فعلى أيديهم، وما عرج إلى الله فعلى أيديهم، وما استغنوا عن الله عز وجل طرفة عين
What has been narrated to me by Hussein bin Ubaid Ullah from Abu Abdullah al Hussein bin Ali, he said I was told by Sheikh Abu ul Qasim Hussin bin Rooh, who said that
"There was a difference of opinion about Tafweed and about other things in our companions. So I went to Abu Tahir bin Bilal in his days of steadfastness and informed him about this. He said: Wait for some days. I went to him again and he narrated a narration with his chain to Imam Abu Abdullah Sadiq (ع) who said:
When Allah decides for something, he presents that to Prophet (ص) asws, then Imam Ali (ع), and then All Aimmah (ع) one after another till it reaches the Imam of the Time (ع), and then it is given to this world. And when Angels decide to raise something to Allah, they present it to the Imam of the Time (ع), then it passes from one to other (Imam) till it reaches Prophet (ص), then it is presented to Allah (عز و جل). So What is revealed from Allah, is through their hands, and what is raised to Allah, is through their hands. And they (the Imams) are not free of Allah (عز و جل) even for a blink of an eye."
[Source: Al-Ghayba - Sheikh Toosi, Pg. 387]
Taken from: http://ahlubait.wordpress.com/2013/02/16/tafweed/
Imam's (as) asking Allah (swt) for creating/Sustenance:
Sheikh Toosi Narrates:
و أخبرنا الحسين بن إبراهيم عن أبي العباس أحمد بن علي بن نوح عن أبي نصر هبة الله بن محمد الكاتب قال حدثني أبو الحسن أحمد بن محمد بن تربك الرهاوي قال حدثني أبو جعفر محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن موسى بن بابويه أو قال أبو الحسن علي بن أحمد الدلال القمي قال اختلف جماعة من الشيعة في أن الله عز و جل فوض إلى الأئمة ص أن يخلقوا أو يرزقوا فقال قوم هذا محال لا يجوز على الله تعالى لأن الأجسام لا يقدر على خلقها غير الله عز و جل و قال آخرون بل الله تعالى أقدر الأئمة على ذلك و فوضه إليهم فخلقوا و رزقوا و تنازعوا في ذلك تنازعا شديدا فقال قائل ما بالكم لا ترجعون إلى أبي جعفر محمد بن عثمان العمري فتسألونه عن ذلك فيوضح لكم الحق فيه فإنه الطريق إلى صاحب الأمر عجل الله فرجه فرضيت الجماعة بأبي جعفر و سلمت و أجابت إلى قوله فكتبوا المسألة و أنفذوها إليه فخرج إليهم من جهته توقيع نسخته إن الله تعالى هو الذي خلق الأجسام و قسم الأرزاق لأنه ليس بجسم و لا حال في جسم ليس كمثله شيء و هو السميع العليم و أما الأئمة ع فإنهم يسألون الله تعالى فيخلق و يسألونه فيرزق إيجابا لمسألتهم و إعظاما لحقهم
"There was a difference among a group of Shias on whether Allah (swt) authorized the Imam's (as) to create and give livelihood. Some said that this is impossible and none other than Allah (swt) has authority to create. And others say that Allah (swt) has authorized the Imam's (as) over it and has delegated/authorized them and hence they create and give sustenance. And they (the two groups) disputed in this which was a severe dispute."
"Someone said why dont we approach Abi Jafar Muhammad bin Usman Al-Umree and ask him about this issue and make clear for you the right path in it because verily he is the way to the Imam of the Time (atfs) [Sahib Al Amr]. The group agreed on Abi Jafar and wrote the matter to Imam of the Time (atfs). And came the following letter from the Imam (atfs):"
"Verily Allah (swt) is the one who creates the bodies and distributes livelihood. Because He (swt) does not have a body and nothing is inside Him. There is none like him and He is the all-hearing and all-knowing. And the Imam's (as) ask Allah (swt) and He creates and the Imam's (as) ask Allah (swt) and He gives livelihood, answering their questions (in affirmative) and giving importance for their rights."
[Source: Al-Gaibah - Toosi, Pg.293-294 & Al-Ehtejaaj Vol.2 Pg.472]
Al-Harith Al-Hamadani and Ali ibn Abi Talib (as):
علي بن محمد بن الزبير ، عن محمد بن علي بن مهدي ، عن محمد بن علي بن عمرو عن أبيه ، عن جميل بن صالح ، عن أبي خالد الكابلي ، عن الاصبغ بن نباتة قال : دخل الحارث الهمداني على أميرالمؤمنين علي في نفر من الشيعة وكنت فيهم ، فجعل الحارث يتئد في مشيته ويخبط الارض بمحجنه وكان مريضا ، فأقبل عليه أميرالمؤمنين ـ وكانت له منه منزلة ـ فقال : كيف تجدك يا حارث؟ فقال : نال الدهر يا أمير المؤمنين مني ، وزادني أوبا غليلا اختصام أصحابك ببابك ، قال : وفيم خصومتهم؟ قال : فيك وفي الثلاثة من قبلك ، فمن مفرط منهم غال ، ومقتصد تال ، ومن متردد مرتاب ، لا يدري أيقدم أم يحجم؟! فقال : حسبك يا أخا همدان ، ألا إن خير شيعتي النمط الاوسط ، إليهم يرجع الغالي ، وبهم يلحق التالى ، فقال له الحارث : لو كشفت ـ فداك أبى وامي ـ الرين عن قلوبنا وجعلتنا في ذلك على بصيرة من أمرنا ، قال : قدك فإنك امرؤ ملبوس عليك ، إن دين الله لا يعرف بالرجال بل بآية الحق ، فاعرف الحق تعرف أهله.
يا حارث إن الحق أحسن الحديث والصادع به مجاهد ، وبالحق اخبرك فارعني سمعك ، ثم خبر به من كانت له حصانة من أصحابك ، ألا إني عبدالله ، وأخو رسوله ، وصديقه الاول قد صدقته وآدم بين الروح والجسد ، ثم إني صديقة الاول في امتكم حقا فنحن الاولون ، ونحن الآخرون ، ونحن خاصته يا حارث وخالصته وأنا صفوه ووصيه ووليه ، وصاحب نجواه وسره ، اوتيت فهم الكتاب ، وفصل الخطاب وعلم القرون والاسباب ، واستودعت ألف مفتاح يفتح كل مفتاح ألف باب ، يفضي كل باب إلى ألف عهد ، وايدت واتخذت وامددت بليلة القدر نفلا ، وإن ذلك ليجري لي ولمن تحفظ من ذريتي ما جرى الليل والنهار حتى يرث الله الارض ومن عليها ، وابشرك ياحارث لتعرفني عند الممات ، وعند الصراط ، وعند الحوض ، وعند المقاسمة.
قال الحارث ، وما المقاسمة؟ قال : مقاسمة النار اقاسمها قسمة صحيحة ، أقول : هذا وليي فاتركيه ، وهذا عدوي فخذيه. ثم أخذ أمير المؤمنين بيد الحارث فقال : يا حارث أخذت بيدك كما أخذ رسول الله بيدي ، فقال لي ـ وقد شكوت إليه حسد قريش والمنافقين لي ـ : إنه إذا كان يوم القيامة أخذت بحبل الله وبحجزته ـ يعني عصمته ـ من ذي العرش تعالى ، وأخذت أنت يا علي بحجزتي ، وأخذ ذريتك بحجزتك وأخذ شيعتكم بحجزكم ، فماذا يصنع الله بنبيه؟ وما يصنع نبيه بوصيه؟ خذها إليك ياحارث قصيرة من طويلة ، أنت مع من أحببت ولك ما اكتسبت ـ يقولها ثلاثا ـ فقام الحارث يجر رداءه ويقول : ما ابالي بعدها متى لقيت الموت أو لقيني.
قال جميل بن صالح : وأنشدني أبوهاشم السيد الحميري رحمه الله فيما تضمنه هذا الخبر :
قول علي لحارث عجب
كم ثم اعجوبة له حملا
ياحار همدان من يمت يرني
من مؤمن أو منافق قبلا
يعرفني طرفه وأعرفه
بنعته واسمه وما عملا
وأنت عند الصراط تعرفني
فلا تخف عثرة ولا زللا
أسقيك من بارد على ظمأ
تخاله في الحلاوة العسلا
أقول للنار حين توقف للعرض
دعيه لا تقتلي الرجلا
دعيه لا تقربيه إن له
حبلا بحبل الوصي متصلا
He said: Abul Hasan ‘Ali ibn Muhammad ibn al-Zubair reported to me from Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Mahdi, who reported from Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Amru who reported from his father, from Jamil ibn Swaleh, from Abu Khalid al-Kabuli, from al-Asbagh ibn Nubatah who said:
Al-Harith Al-Hamadani came to Amirul Mu’mineen (‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib) with a company of the Shi’ahs, and I was among them. Al-Harith walked with a bent stature, hitting his walking stick hard on the ground. He was indeed ill. So Amirul Mu’mineen came close to him and al-Harith had a good standing in his estimation, and he said: "How do you find yourself, O Harith?"
He said: "The vicissitude of time has overtaken me, and the dispute among your companions about you and the three before you, has added to my anguish and anger. There are those who have gone to the extreme in their passionate love for you, and those who are yours in moderation, and those who waver in doubt, not knowing whether to proceed or recoil."
He (‘Ali) said: "Suffice it for you, Oh brother (from) Hamadan! Be it known that my best followers are the people united on the middle path. To them should the extremists return, and with them should the hesitant join."
Then al-Harith said: "My father and mother be your ransom, could you (further clarify so as to) remove the filth from our hearts, and (to) make us as sure about our affair as seeing with one's eyes?"
He (peace be upon him) said: "That is enough for you. You are possessed by confusion. Surely, the religion of Allah is not known (or judged) by the people, it is recognized by the sign of Truth. Know the Truth, and you shall know its people. O Harith, surely Truth is the best (and most sublime) narration, and whosoever utters it is indeed a fighter (a soldier of Truth). I have informed you the Truth, so lend me your ear and inform among your friends who have sound judgement.
Be it known that I am a slave of Allah, the brother of His messenger and his first confirmer. I confirmed his truth when Adam lay between the spirit and the body. Then, I am his first confirmer truth among you people. We are the first and we are the last. And we are his special ones with distinction, and we are his sincere ones. And I am his cousin, and his successor, and his trustee and possessor of his confidence and secret. I have been given the understanding of the Book, and (blessed with) sound judgement and decision, and the knowledge about the generations and the relations.
And I am entrusted with a thousand keys, each key opens a thousand chapters, each chapter breaks into a thousand testament. And in addition, I am supported and especially chosen and helped by the Night of Qadr, and that continues for me and my descendants who guard against sins, for as long as the days and the nights subsist, till such time when Allah shall inherit the earth and all who are upon it. I give you glad tidings, O Harith, you shall recognize me at the time of death, and at the Bridge, and at the Pool, and at the time of division."
Al-Harith said: "O my master, what is the time of division?" He said: "Division at the hell-fire, when I will make a correct separation. I shall say: This is my friend, so leave him; this is my adversary, so take him"
Then Amirul Mu’mineen took (al-Harith) by his hand and said: "I hold your hand the way the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny), held my hand and said (when I complained to him about the envious Quraish and the hypocrites) 'Surely, on the Day of Judgement, I shall hold the rope of Allah and cling to His safeguard, and you, O ‘Ali, shall hold fast to my safeguard, and your descendants shall cling to your safeguard, and your Shi’ahs shall hold fast to the safeguard of all of you.' So what will Allah do to His Prophet? And what will the Prophet do to his successor? (The same shall we do to our followers). Take this, O Harith, the summary of all the details. Yes, you shall be with the one you love, and for you shall be what you have earned." He said this three times.
Then al-Harith stood up, pulling his cloak behind him, and saying: "After this, I care not when Death meets me or I meet it."
Jameel B. Swaleh says that Abu Harith Seyyid al-Himyari, may Allah bless him with mercy, narrated this for me in the following poem:
"The statement of ‘Ali to Harith is marvelous,
And how much of marvels did he carry with him?
(He said) O Harith of Hamadan, whoever dies shall see me,
Be he a believer or a hypocrite, a clear sight before him.
His eyes shall recognize me, and I will know him,
By his attributes, his name, and by his deeds.
I shall quench his thirst with cold water,
The sweetness of which will seem to you like that of honey.
And when you will stand before hell fire, I shall say,
Leave him, and do not be near him,
Leave him, and be away from him, for indeed,
He has a rope bound with the rope of the Prophet's successor."
[Source: al-Amali, Shaikh Mufeed, First Assembly, Hadith. 3]
خُطْبَةٌ لِأَمِيرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ (ع) وَ هِيَ خُطْبَةُ الْوَسِيلَة
The sermon of Amir al-Momineen (as) and it's the sermon of al-Waseelah
Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Ma’mar, from Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Ukaayat Al-Tamimy, from Al-Husayn Bin Al-Nazar Al-Fahry, from Abu Amro Al-Awzaiy, from Amro Bin Shimr, from Jabir Bin Yazeed who said:
I came up to Abu Ja'far(as), so I said, O son of the Messenger of Allah, the differing among the Shiites in this Doctrine causes me pain.
He(as) said: O Jabir, shall I not suffice you with the meanings of their differences, from where they are differing, and from which perspective they are separating?
I said: Yes, O son of the Messenger of Allah.
He(as) said: So do not differ if they differ, O Jabir. The one who fights against the Master of the Era (Imam of his time) is like the one who has fought against the Messenger of Allah in his days.
O Jabir, listen attentively.
I said: As you like.
He(as) said: Listen attentively and make it reach to wherever your ride takes you, that Amir-ul-Momineen(as) preached to the people at Al-Medina seven days after the passing away of the Messenger of Allah, and that was when he was free from collecting the Quran and compiling it.
Amir-ul-Momineen(as) said,
(complete sermon not quoted here)
فإن الله تبارك اسمه امتحن بي عباده وقتل بيدي أضداده وأفنى بسيفي جحاده و جعلني زلفة للمؤمنين وحياض موت على الجبارين وسيفه على المجرمين وشد بي أزر رسوله وأكرمني بنصره وشرفني بعلمه وحباني بأحكامه واختصني بوصيته واصطفاني بخلافته في أمته
"Allah(swt), blessed is His Name, tested His servants by Me, and killed those that opposed Him by My hand, and annihilated those that strived against Him by My sword, and made Me to be a means of nearness to Him (Zulfat) for the believers, and a ground of death for the toughest tyrants, and His sword against the criminals, and strengthened by Me the back of His Messenger, and honoured Me by helping Him(Messenger of Allah), and privileged Me with His(Messenger of Allah) knowledge, and gifted Me with His(Messenger of Allah) laws, and favoured Me for His(Messenger of Allah) successorship, and chose Me for His(Messenger of Allah) caliphate in His(Messenger of Allah) community."
فقال (صلى الله عليه وآله) وقد حشده المهاجرون والأنصار وانغصت بهم المحافل أيها الناس إن عليا مني كهارون من موسى إلا أنه لا نبي بعدي، فعقل المؤمنون عن الله نطق الرسول إذ عرفوني أني لست بأخيه لأبيه وأمه كما كان هارون أخا موسى لأبيه وأمه ولا كنت نبيا فاقتضى نبوة ولكن كان ذلك منه استخلافا لي كما استخلف موسى هارون (عليهما السلام) حيث يقول: " اخلفني في قومي وأصلح ولا تتبع سبيل المفسدين
So He(Messenger of Allah) said when He mobilised the Emigrants and the Helpers in their gathering: ‘O you people! Surely, Ali(as) is from Me like Haroun was from Musa except that there is no Prophet to come after Me.
So the believers understood that the Messenger was speaking on behalf of Allah(swt). They recognised Me that I was not His(Messenger of Allah) brother by His father or His mother as was the case with Haroun who was the brother of Musa from his father and his mother, nor was I a Prophet. The Prophet-hood has ended. But, that was from Him(Messenger of Allah) appointing Me as the caliph just as Musa had appointed Haroun as the caliph when He said: “Take my place among my people, and act well and do not follow the way of the mischief makers." [Sura 7, Verse 142]
وقوله (صلى الله عليه وآله) حين تكلمت طائفة فقالت: " نحن موالي رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) فخرج رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) إلى حجة الوادع ثم صار إلى غدير خم فأمر فأصلح له شبه المنبر ثم علاه وأخذ بعضدي حتى رئي بياض إبطيه رافعا صوته قائلا في محفله " من كنت مولاه فعلي مولاه اللهم وآل من والاه و عاد من عاداه " فكانت على ولايتي ولاية الله وعلى عداوتي عداوة الله. وأنزل الله عز وجل في ذلك اليوم " اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الاسلام دينا (2) " فكانت ولايتي كمال الدين ورضا الرب جل ذكره وأنزل الله تبارك وتعالى اختصاصا لي وتكرما نحلنيه وإعظاما وتفضيلا من رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) منحنيه (3) وهو قوله تعالى: " ثم ردوا إلى الله موليهم الحق ألا له الحكم وهو أسرع الحاسبين
And His(Messenger of Allah) words when a group spoke saying, 'We are the friends of the Messenger of Allah’. So the Messenger of Allah went out to the Farewell Pilgrimage, then came up to Ghadeer Khumm. So He ordered for something resembling a Pulpit to be prepared to Him. Then He ascended it, grabbed My arm and raised it to the extent that the whiteness of His armpits were seen, and said in a raised voice in that forum: ‘The one to whom I was the Master of, so Ali(as) is his Master. O Allah! Befriend the one who befriends Him, and be Inimical to the one who is an enemy to Him. Thus, upon My Wilayah is the Wilayah of Allah, and upon My enmity is the enmity against Allah.
And Allah, Mighty and Majestic Revealed in that day: “This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion”. [Sura 5, Vrese 3]. So upon My Wilayah was the completion of the Religion, and the Pleasure of the Lord, Majestic is His Remembrance. And Allah, Blessed and High, Revealed it especially for Me and Honoured the Gifting it for Me as (a sign of) greatness, and its gifting from the Messenger of Allah, and it is the Statement of the High: "Then are men returned unto Allah, their protector, the (only) reality: Is not His the command? and He is the swiftest in taking account." [Sura 6, Verse 62]
في مناقب لو ذكرتها لعظم بها الارتفاع فطال لها الاستماع ولئن تقمصها دوني الأشقيان ونازعاني فيما ليس لهما بحق وركباها ضلالة واعتقداها جهاله فلبئس ما عليه وردا ولبئس ما لأنفسهما مهدا، يتلاعنان في دورهما ويتبرأ كل واحد منهما من صاحبه يقول لقرينه إذا التقيا: يا ليت بيني وبينك بعد المشرقين فبئس القرين، فيجيبه الأشقى على رثوثة : يا ليتني لم أتخذك خليلا، لقد أضللتني عن الذكر بعد إذ جاءني وكان الشيطان للانسان خذولا
If I were to mention My merits, its loftiness would be great, and it's listening prolonged. And about Me, two miserable ones before Me disputed with Me regarding that in which they had no rights over it, and they rode its misguidance, and believed in the ignorance. So evil is what was to them, what they returned to, and evil is what they made as a cradle for themselves. They cursed each other in their own houses, and each one of them distanced himself from his companion saying to him when he met him, ‘Alas! If only there was the distance between the East and the West between me and between you’. So evil is the friend who answered him, the miserable one upon his ragged condition, "O woe is me! would that I had not taken such a one for a friend. He verily led me astray from the Reminder after it had reached me. Satan was ever man's deserter in the hour of need". [Sura 25, Verse 28 & 29]
فأنا الذكر الذي عنه ضل والسبيل الذي عنه مال والايمان الذي به كفر والقرآن الذي إياه هجر والدين الذي به كذب والصراط الذي عنه نكب، ولئن رتعا في الحطام المنصرم والغرور المنقطع وكانا منه على شفا حفرة من النار لهما على شر ورود، في أخيب وفود وألعن مورود، يتصارخان باللعنة ويتناعقان بالحسرة، مالهما من راحة ولا عن عذابهما من مندوحة
So I am the Reminder from which he went astray, and the Way from which he deviated, and the Belief which he denied, and the Quran from which he fled, and the Religion which he belied, and the Path from which he digressed. And the debris which they lived upon in their constant pride, they were on it on the verge of the Fire (prepared) for them - an evil return amongst the wicked group, to a condemned destination. They will be shouting curses at each other grumbling in regret. There will be no rest for these two; nor a respite from their inevitable Punishment.
إن القوم لم يزالوا عباد أصنام وسدنة أوثان، يقيمون لها المناسك و ينصبون لها العتائر ويتخذون لها القربان ويجعلون لها البحيرة والوصيلة والسائبة والحام ويستقسمون بالأزلام عامهين عن الله عز ذكره حائرين عن الرشاد، مهطعين إلى البعاد، وقد استحوذ عليهم الشيطان، وغمرتهم سوداء الجاهلية ورضعوها جهالة وانفطموها ضلالة
The people never ceased to be the worshippers of the idols and being the custodians of the idols, establishing rituals for them, and designated certain offerings for them in order to seek nearness to them. And they made for them titles such as ‘Al-Baheyra, and Al-Waseyla, and Al-Sa’ebat, and Al-Haam’. They distributed these idols by casting lots by arrows, wondering about Allah Mighty is His Remembrance. They were confused about the guidance, hastening to the remoteness, and they had been overcome by Satan who had flooded them with the darkness of ignorance, having breastfed them with ignorance and weaned them with misguidance.
فأخرجنا الله إليهم رحمة وأطلعنا عليهم رأفة واسفر بنا عن الحجب نورا لمن اقتبسه وفضلا لمن اتبعه وتأييدا لمن صدقه، فتبوؤوا العز بعد الذلة والكثرة بعد القلة وهابتهم القلوب والابصار وأذعنت لهم الجبابرة وطوائفها وصاروا أهل نعمة مذكورة وكرامة ميسورة وأمن بعد خوف وجمع بعد كوف وأضاءت بنا مفاخر معد بن عدنان وأولجناهم باب الهدى وأدخلناهم دار السلام وأشملناهم ثوب الايمان وفلجوا بنا في العالمين وأبدت لهم أيام الرسول آثار الصالحين من حام مجاهد ومصل قانت ومعتكف زاهد، يظهرون الأمانة ويأتون المثابة حتى إذا دعا الله عز وجل نبيه (صلى الله عليه وآله) ورفعه إليه لم يك ذلك بعده إلا كلمحة من خفقة أو وميض من برقة إلى أن رجعوا على الأعقاب وانتكصوا على الادبار وطلبوا بالأوتار وأظهروا الكتائب وردموا الباب وفلوا الديار وغيروا آثار رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) ورغبوا عن أحكامه وبعدوا من أنواره واستبدلوا بمستخلفه بديلا اتخذوه وكانوا ظالمين وزعموا أن من اختاروا من آل أبي قحافة أولى بمقام رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) ممن اختار رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) لمقامه وأن مهاجر آل أبي قحافة خير من المهاجري الأنصاري الرباني ناموس هاشم بن عبد مناف، ألا وإن أول شهادة زور وقعت في الاسلام شهادتهم أن صاحبهم مستخلف رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله)
Allah Brought Us out to them as a Mercy, and Informed about Us as being higher than them, and Removed the Veil of Light from Us for those that sought Us, and preferred the ones who followed it (the Light), and We were a support for the ones who ratified it. So honour followed after the disgrace, and the plenty after the scarcity. And their hearts and their eyes revered them, and the tyrants yielded to them, and its respective communities became the people of the Bounties, being worthy of mention, and prestigious, and ease, and security after fear, and union after having been separated.
That was not after the Messenger of Allah except like a moment of pulse, or a glimmer of lightning for them to return back and turn back upon their heels, and sought revenge by forming battalions, and they blocked the Door and destroyed the houses, and changed the effects of the Messenger of Allah, and turned away from His rulings, and distanced themselves from His Light, and they changed His caliph with an alternate. They took to him, and they were unjust in doing so, and they thought that the one whom they had chosen from the descendants of Abu Kohafa (Abu Bakr) is higher in status than the one whom the Messenger of Allah had chosen to be in His place, and that the Emigrants from the progeny of Abu Kohafa were better than the Emigrants and the Helpers of the Rabbi of the Law Hashim Bin Abd Manafas. Nay! The first false testimony which occurred in Islam was their testimony that their companion (Abu Bakr) is the one whom the Messenger of Allah had made to be the Caliph.
فلما كان من أمر سعد بن عبادة ما كان رجعوا عن ذلك وقالوا: إن رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) مضى ولم يستخلف فكان رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) الطيب المبارك أول مشهود عليه بالزور في الاسلام وعن قليل يجدون غب ما يعملون وسيجد التالون غب ما أسسه الأولون ولئن كانوا في مندوحة من المهل وشفاء من الاجل وسعة من المنقلب واستدراج من الغرور وسكون من الحال وإدراك من الامل
So when the matter of Sa’d Bin Ubada was what it was, they retracted from that and said that the Messenger of Allah passed away and did not appoint a Caliph. So the Messenger of Allah, the good, the Blessed, was the first one in Islam against who the false testimony was borne. And after a little while they found out the evil of what (they came to know and found out the consequences of the evil of what) the former ones had established. And they had an alternative and an opportunity to recover from the death, and had the time to turn around from the lure of pride, and be in a tranquil condition, and the realisation of the deeds.
ألا وإن لكل أجل كتابا فإذا بلغ الكتاب أجله لو كشف لك عما هوى إليه الظالمون وآل إليه الأخسرون لهربت إلى الله عز وجل مما هم عليه مقيمون وإليه صائرون،
Indeed! For every term there is writing. So when the writing reaches its term, and it is uncovered for you about what would befall the unjust ones, and what the greatest losers have got to, you will run towards Allah Mighty and Majestic from what they had been involved in and to what they are proceeding to.
ألا وإني فيكم أيها الناس كهارون في آل فرعون وكباب حطة في بني إسرائيل وكسفينة نوح في قوم نوح، إني النبأ العظيم والصديق الأكبر
Nay! And I am among you, O you people, like Haroun was in the people of the Pharaoh, and like the Door of Hitta in the Children of Israel, and like the Ark of Noah in the people of Noah. I am the Great News (Al-Nabaa Al-Azeem), and the Great Truthful (Al-Siddique Al-Akbar),
وعن قليل ستعلمون ما توعدون وهل هي إلا كلعقة الآكل ومذقة الشارب وخفقة الوسنان، ثم تلزمهم المعرات خزيا في الدنيا ويوم القيامة يردون إلى أشد العذاب وما الله بغافل عما يعملون فما جزاء من تنكب محجته؟ وأنكر حجته، وخالف هداته وحاد عن نوره واقتحم في ظلمه واستبدل بالماء السراب وبالنعيم العذاب وبالفوز الشقاء وبالسراء الضراء وبالسعة الضنك، إلا جزاء اقترافه وسوء خلافه فليوقنوا بالوعد على حقيقته وليستيقنوا بما يوعدون، " يوم تأتي الصيحة بالحق ذلك يوم الخروج * إنا نحن نحيي ونميت وإلينا المصير * يوم تشقق الأرض عنهم سراعا - إلى آخر السورة
And after a little while you will come to know what had been Promised to you. And is this anything else but (was committed) for a morsel of food, and a sip of drink, light sleep. Then the disgrace will be necessitated upon them in the world, and on the Day of Judgement they will be returning to intense Punishment. And Allah is not Oblivious (forgetful) of what they have done. So what is the Recompense for the one who turned away from His Proof, and denied His Argument, and opposed His Guides, and turned away from His Light and stormed (his way) into the darkness, and exchanged water for the mirage, and Bounties for the Punishment, and the success for the misery, and prosperity for the poverty, and the ease for the hardship.
Nay! This is the Recompense of what they had sown and done before. So be certain of the Promise and of its reality, and be assured of what has been Promised on the Day of the coming of the 'Scream' (Dooms Day), with the Truth. "The day when they shall hear the cry in truth, that is the day of coming forth. Surely We give life and cause to die, and to Us is the eventual coming. The day on which the earth shall cleave asunder under them, they will make haste; that is a gathering together easy to Us". [Sura 50, Verse 42, 43, 44]
[Source: Al-Kafi, Vol.8, Pg. 18]