Imam's (as) know what is in men's souls
أخبرني أبو القاسم جعفر بن محمد، عن محمد بن يعقوب، عن الحسين بن محمد، عن معلى بن محمد، عن محمد بن علي، عن محمد بن حمزة، عن محمد بن علي الهاشمي قال: دخلت على أبي جعفر عليه السلام صبيحة عرسه ببنت المأمون، وكنت تناولت من الليل دواء، فأول من دخل عليه في صبيحته أنا وقد أصابني العطش، وكرهت أن أدعو بالماء، فنظر أبو جعفر عليه السلام في وجهي وقال: " أراك عطشان؟ " قلت: أجل، قال: (يا غلام اسقنا ماء) فقلت في نفسي: الساعة يأتونه بماء مسموم واغتممت لذلك، فأقبل الغلام ومعه الماء، فتبسم في وجهي ثم قال: " يا غلام ناولني الماء " فتناول الماء فشرب ثم ناولني فشربت، وأطلت عنده فعطشت، فدعا بالماء ففعل كما فعل في المرة الأولى فشرب ثم ناولني وتبسم.
قال محمد بن حمزة: فقال لي محمد بن علي الهاشمي: والله إنني أظن أن أبا جعفر يعلم ما في النفوس كما تقول الرافضة
Abu al-Qasim Ja'far b. Muḥammad told me on the authority of Muḥammad b. Ya'qub on the authority of al-Ḥusayn b. Muḥammad. on the authority of Mu'alla b. Muḥammad, on the authority of Muḥammad b. Ali, on the authority of Muḥammad b. Ḥamza, on the authority of Muḥammad b. Ali al-Hashimi, who said:
I (i.e. Muḥammad b. Ali al-Hashimi ) visited Imam Abu Jafar Muḥammad bin Ali (as), early on the morning of his wedding with the daughter of al-Ma’mun. During the night I had taken medicine. I was the first person to visit him on that morning. I was seized by a thirst but did not like to ask for water. Abu Ja'far [Imam al-Jawaad (as)], looked at my face and said: "I see that you are thirsty". "Yes" I replied. "Servant, bring us water," Imam (as) said.
I said to myself at that time that they would bring him poisoned water and I was grieved at that. The servant approached and with him was the water. Al-Jawaad (as) smiled into my face and said: "Servant, give me water." He gave him the water and He drank it. Then He gave me the water and I drank it. I was with him a long lime and I became thirsty again. He called for water.
He did the same as he had done on the first occasion and drank and then gave it to me, smiling.
[Muḥammad b. Ḥamza added: Muḥammad b. Ali al-Hashimi said to me:] By Allāh, I think that Abu Ja'far [al-Jawaad (as)] knew what was in men's souls just as the Rafidites* claim.
[Source: Kitab al Irshad, Shaikh Mufeed, Vol. 2, Pg. 291 / al-Kafi, Vol. 2. Pg. 593 (a bit different)]
* - Rafidites means those who reject. This term was used during the time of the Imam's (as) to refer to the Shias because of their rejection of Abu Bakr, Umar & Uthman.