Knowledge of the Future

محمد بن عيسى قال حدثني حماد بن عيسى: دخلت على أبي الحسن موسى بن جعفر (عليه السلام) بالبصرة فقلت له: جعلت فداك ادع الله تعالى أن يرزقني دارا، وزوجة، وولدا، وخادما، والحج في كل سنة، قال: فرفع يده ثم قال: اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وارزق حماد بن عيسى دارا وزوجة وولدا وخادما والحج خمسين سنة، قال حماد: فلما اشترط خمسين سنة علمت أني لا أحج أكثر من خمسين سنة، قال حماد: وقد حججت ثمانية وأربعين سنة، وهذه داري قد رزقتها، وهذه زوجتي وراء الستر تسمع كلامي، وهذا ابني، وهذا خادمي وقد رزقت كل ذلك، فحج بعد هذا الكلام حجتين تمام الخمسين، ثم خرج بعد الخمسين حاجا فزامل أبا العباس النوفلي فلما صار في موضع الإحرام دخل يغتسل فجاء الوادي فحمله فغرق، فمات رحمنا الله وإياه قبل أن يحج زيادة على الخمسين وقبره بسيالة

Muhammad bin Isa said, Narrated to me Hammad bin Isa:

I entered on (in the presence of) Abi Al-Hasan Musa bin Jafar (as) at Basrah and told him; "I be sacrificed for you. Pray to Allah (swt) that provides sustenance for my house, my wife, my son and my servant and for doing Haj every year."

Hammad said, "Imam (as) raised his hand and said, "O Allah (swt) send blessings upon Muhammad (saw) and his Progeny (as) and provide sustenance to Hamad bin Isa’s house and his wife and his son and his servant and Hajj for 50 years."

Hammad said, "When stipulation was for 50 years, I knew that I would not do more than 50 Hajj."

Hammad said. "I did 48 Hajj and this is my house which I sustained, and this is my wife behind the curtain hearing my speech and this is my son and this is my servant and I sustained all of these."

He (Hammad) then did 2 Hajj after this speech, hence completing 50 Hajj. After finishing 50 Hajjs, he went to his friend Abi Al-Abbas Al-Naufali. Then when he came to the place of (wearing the) Ehraam (for 51st Hajj), he entered to do Gusl, then came a wave and it carried him and he drowned and died before he could do more than 50 Hajj.

[Source: Qarb Al-Isnad, Pg. 310]

Hadees is Authentic (Saheeh) as per chain of narrators according to Wahid Khurasani, See Muqadmah fee Usool Al-Deen, Pg. 406