Enemies of AhlulBait (as) are Kaafir, Mushrik and ...

--- Enemies of Imam Ali (as) are Mushrik (Polytheist) ---

Talha bin Yazid narrates from Imam Jafar Sadiq (as):

عن أبي عبدالله عليه السلام قال: من أشرك مع إمام إمامته من عند الله من ليست إمامته من الله كان مشركا بالله

"Whoever would share the leadership of a Leader with Divine Authority, without Divine authority is a polytheist"

Source: Al Kafi Vol.1 Pg.373 (Kitab Al Hujjah)


--- Enemies of Imam Ali (as) are Kaafir (disbelievers) ---

Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) narrates from His Father, from His Grand Father [Imam Husain (as)], who narrates from Prophet Muhammad (saww), that the Prophet (saww) said to Imam Ali (as):

والذي بعث محمدا بالحق نبيا ما آمن بي من أنكرك ، ولا أقر بي من جحدك ولا آمن بالله من كفر بك ، وان فضلك لمن فضلي وان فضلي لك فضل ، وهو قول ربي عز وجل : ( قل بفضل الله وبرحمته فبذلك فليفرحوا هو خير مما يجمعون ففضل الله نبوة نبيكم و ولاية علي بن أبي طالب ، « فبذلك » قال بالنبوة والولاية ، « فليفرحوا » يعني الشيعة ، « هو خير مما يجمعون » يعني مخالفيهم من الأهل والمال والولد في دار الدنيا والله يا علي ما خلقت إلا لتعبد ربك وليعرف بك معالم الدين ويصلح بك دارس السبيل ، ولقد ضل من ضل عنك ولن يهتد

I swear to the One who truly sent me as a prophet that those who deny you dont believe in me. And those who reject you have not testified in me and those who disbelieve in you don't believe in Allah.

Your grace is from my grace and my grace is a grace for you. And that is why Allah says: Say in the grace of Allah and in His mercy in that let them rejoice, it is better than all that they amass (10:58)

"Grace of Allah" (in this verse) is My Prophet hood. "His mercy" is the Wilayat of Ali bin abi Taleb. "In that" refers to My Prophethood and Ali's Wilayat. "Let them rejoice" refers to (the rejoicing) of the Shia. "It is better than all that they amass" refers to the enemies of the Shia and "all that they amass" refers to wealth, children and (the pleasures) of this life.

O Ali! I swear to Allah that you were not created except to worship Allah, to make the religion of Allah known and to make the path of guidance clear for those who seek it.

Those who deviate from you have gone astray and those who are not guided to you and to your Wilayat cannot be guided to Allah.

[Only a part of the Hadees is quoted here. For the complete Hadees see the following link]


Source: Basharat ul Mustafa Le Shiyyat e Murtuza, Chapter 5, Hadees 91 / Amali - Sheikh Sadooq Pg. 400.


Holy Prophet(saww) said:

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله المخالف على علي بن أبي طالب بعدي كافر ، والمشرك به كافر ، والمحب له مؤمن ، والمبغض له منافق ، والمقتفي لأثره لاحق ، والمحارب له مارق ، والراد عليه زاهق ، علي نور الله في بلاده وحجته على عباده ، علي سيف الله على أعدائه ، ووارث علم أنبيائه ، علي كلمة الله العليا وكلمة أعدائه السفلى ، علي سيد الأوصياء ووصي سيد الأنبياء ، علي أمير المؤمنين وقائد الغر المحجلين وإمام المسلمين ، لا يقبل الله الايمان إلا بولايته وطاعته

Those who are against Ali ibn Abi Talib after Me are Kafirs

Those to associate an equal to Ali are Kafirs

Those who love him are believers and those who hate him are hypocrites

Those who try to live by his example will rech him

Those who fight him are apostates

Those who disagree with him are bound to be destriyed

Ali is the light of Allah on His land and His decisive argument on His slaves

Ali is Allah's sword on His enemies

Ali is the heir of all of the Prophets

Ali is the most elevated of Allah's words, but the most degrading word used by His enemies

Ali is the heir of the master of the Prophets

Ali is the commander of the believers

Ali is the leader of the pious and the Imam of the Muslims

Allah doesnot accept anyones faith who doesnot accept his (Ali's) Wilayat and doesnot obey him.

Source: Basharat ul Mustafa Le Shiyyat e Murtuza Hadees.30 / Amali - Sheikh Sadooq Pg. 19


--- Enemies of Imam Ali (as) are conceived illegitimately ---

Imam Ali bin Husain (as) narrates from his father Husain ibn Ali (as) from Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (as) from the Messenger of Allah (saww) who said:

يا علي من أحبني وأحبك وأحب الأئمة من ولدك فليحمد الله تعالى على طيب مولده فانه لا يحبنا إلا من طابت ولادته ولا يبغضنا إلا من خبثت ولادته

O'Ali! Those who love me, you an the Imams from your sons should thank Allah for the legitimacy of their birth because verity, no one loves us except those who are conceived legitimately, and no one hates us except those who are conceived illegitimately.

Source: Basharat ul Mustafa Le Shiyyat e Murtuza Vol.4 Hadees.87, Amaali of Saduq Pg.384, Elal Al-Sharae Pg.141


Narrated from Ahmad bin Ziyad Al-Hamdaani, who said:

رأيت صبيا صغيرا يكون سباعيا أو ثمانيا بالمدينة على ساكنها أفضل السلام ينشد :

لنحن على الحوض رواده * نــذود وتسعـــد وراده

وما فاز من فاز إلا بنــــا * ومــا خاب من حبنا زاده

ومن سرنا نال منا الســرور * ومــن ساءنا ساء ميلاده

ومن كان ظالمـــا حقنــا * فان القيــامة ميعـــاده

قلت : يافتى لمن هذه الأبيات ؟ فقال : لمنشدها ، فقلت : من الفتى ؟ فقال : علوي فاطمي إيها عنك

I saw a young boy who was about seven or eight years old reciting the following poem:

We will be distributing water by the Pool and we will be keeping strangers away from it. Those who come to the Pool will be pleased.

No one will achieve victory except through us, and those who love us will not be disappointed.

We will please those who please us, and those who upset us are conceived illegitimately. Those who are unjust to us will see the consequences on the Day of judgement.

So I (Ahmad bin Ziyad Al-Flamdaani) asked the boy. "Who wrote this poem?" He replied, "The person who is reciting it."

I asked, "Who are you?" He replied, "I am from the sons of Ali and Fatema. Let me be."

Source: Basharat ul Mustafa Le Shiyyat e Murtuza Vol.2 Hadees.151, Bihar AI Anwar 46:92. Manaqeb Aal Abi Taleb 3:294.


Holy Prophet(saww) said:

قال رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وآله: إذا كان يوم القيامة يؤتى بأقوام على منابر من نور تتلألأ وجوههم كالقمر ليلة البدر، يغبطهم الأوّلون والآخرون. ثمّ سكت، ثم أعاد الكلام ثلاثاً.

فقال عمر بن الخطاب: بأبي أنت واُمّي هم الشهداء؟ قال: هم الشهداء، وليس هم الشهداء الّذين تظنّون. قال: هم الأنبياء؟ قال: هم الأنبياء، وليس هم الأنبياء الذين تظنّون. قال: هم الأوصياء؟ قال: هم الأوصياء، وليس هم الأوصياء الّذين تظنّون. قال: فمن أهل السماء أو من أهل الارض؟ قال: هم من أهل الارض.قال: فاخبرني من هم؟ قال: فأومأ بيده إلى عليّ عليه السلام فقال: هذا وشيعته، ما يبغضه من قريش إلاّ سفاحيّ، ولا من الأنصار إلاّ يهودي، ولا من العرب إلاّ دعيّ، ولا من سائر الناس إلاّ شقيّ. يا عمر! كذب من زعم أنّه يحبّني ويبغض عليّاً

On the Day of Resurrection, some people will come on stages of light with their faces glittering like the full moon. They will be envied by the past and the last generations."

The Prophet(saww) kept silent for a while then added the statement three times.

Omar bin al-Khattab(la) asked: My father and mother be sacrificed for you. Are they the shahids?

The Prophet(saww) said: They are shahids, but not the shahids that you know.

Omar(la) asked: Are they the prophets?

The Prophet(saww) said: They are prophets, but not the prophets that you know.

Omar(la) asked: Are they the successors of the prophets?

The Prophet(saww) said: They are successors of the prophets, but not the successors that you know.

Omar(la) asked: Are they from the heavens or the earth?

The Prophet(saww) said: They are from the earth?

Omar(la) said: Tell me, who are they?

The Prophet(saww) pointed to Ali(as) and said:

They are this one (Ali(as)) and his Shia. No one from Qureish hates him except the bastard, no one of Ansar hates him except the Jew, no one from the Arabs hates him except the whore son and no one from the human beings hates him except the scoundrel. O Omar(la), he who claims he loves Me while he hates Ali(as) is surely lying.

Source: Fadhaail-us-Shia, Hadees 25, Bihar ul Anwar, Vol 7, Pg 179, Mishkat-ul-Anwar, Pg 97
