Umme Farwa exposes Abu Bakr (Must Read !!)
A very long and mind refreshing narration on how a lady from the Ansar's counters Abu Bakr and defends the right of Imam Ali (as)
ما روي عن سليمان الاعمش، عن سمرة بن عطية، عن سلمان الفارسي قال: إن امرأة من الانصار يقال لها ام فروة تحض على نكث بيعة أبي بكر، وتحث على بيعة علي عليه السلام. فبلغ أبا بكر ذلك، فأحضرها واستتابها فأبت عليه. فقال: يا عدوة الله أتحضين على فرقة جماعة اجتمع عليها المسلمون، فما قولك في إمامتي ؟ قالت: ما أنت بامام. قال: فمن أنا ؟ قالت أمير قومك اختارك قومك وولوك، فإذا كرهوك عزلوك، فالامام المخصوص من الله ورسوله يعلم ما في الظاهر والباطن، وما يحدث في المشرق والمغرب من الخير والشر، وإذا قام في شمس أو قمر فلا فئ له، ولا تجوز الامامة لعابد وثن، ولا لمن كفر ثم أسلم، فمن أيهما أنت يا ابن أبي قحافة ؟ قال: أنا من الائمة الذين اختارهم الله لعباده ! فقالت: كذبت على الله، ولو كنت ممن اختارك الله لذكرك في كتابه كما ذكر غيرك، فقال عزوجل: (وجعلنا منهم أئمة يهدون بأمرنا لما صبروا وكانوا بآياتنا يوقنون) ويلك إن كنت إماما حقا فما اسم السماء الدنيا [ الاولى ] والثانية الثالثة، والرابعة، والخامسة، والسادسة، والسابعة ؟ فبقى أبو بكر لا يحير جوابا. ثم قال: اسمها عند الله الذي خلقها. قالت: لو جاز للنساء أن يعلمن [ الرجال ] لعلمتك. فقال: يا عدوة الله لتذكرن اسم سماء سماء وإلا قتلتك. قالت: أبالقتل تهددني ؟ والله ما ابالي أن يجري قتلي على يدي مثلك ولكني اخبرك، أما السماء الدنيا الاولى فأيلول، والثانية زبنول، والثالثة سحقوم، والرابعة ذيلول ، والخامسة ماين، والسادسة ماحيز والسابعة أيوث. فبقى أبو بكر ومن معه متحيرين، وقالوا لها: ما تقولين في علي ؟ قالت: وما عسى أن أقول في إمام الائمة، ووصي الاوصياء، من أشرق بنوره الارض والسماء، ومن لا يتم التوحيد إلا بحقيقة معرفته، ولكنك ممن نكث واستبدل، وبعت دينك بدنياك. قال أبو بكر: اقتلوها فقد ارتدت. فقتلت. وكان علي عليه السلام في ضيعة له بوادي القرى فلما قدم وبلغه قتل ام فروة فخرج إلى قبرها، وإذا عند قبرها أربعة طيور بيض، مناقيرها حمر، في منقار كل واحد حبة رمان كأحمر ما يكون وهي تدخل في فرجه في القبر، فلما نظر الطيور إلى علي عليه السلام رفرفن وقرقرن، فأجابها بكلام يشبه كلامها وقال: أفعل إن شاء الله. ووقف على قبرها ومد يده إلى السماء وقال: يا محيي النفوس بعد الموت، ويا منشئ العظام الدارسات، أحي لنا أم فروة واجعلها عبرة لمن عصاك " فإذا بهاتف [ يقول ]: امض لامرك يا أمير المؤمنين. وخرجت ام فروة متلحفة بريطة خضراء من السندس، وقالت: يا مولاي أراد ابن أبي قحافة أن يطفئ نورك، فأبي الله لنورك إلا ضياء، وبلغ أبا بكر وعمر ذلك فبقيا متعجبين فقال لهما سلمان: لو أقسم أبو الحسن على الله أن يحيي الاولين والآخرين لاحياهم. وردها أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام إلى زوجها، وولدت غلامين له. وعاشت بعد علي ستة أشهر
Salman al-Farsi narrated: That a woman from Ansar (the prophet supporters in Medina) named Umme Farwa was prompting people on breaking the pledge of allegiance of Abu Bakr, and prompting on pledging allegiance to Ali (as). Then Abu Bakr was informed about it, therefore he summoned her and asked her to repent but she refused. Then he said to her, O' Enemy of Allah are you prompting people upon division upon which the Muslims were united (i.e. upon Abu Bakr). Then what do you say about my Imamate?
She said, You are not Imam.
Abu Bakr said, Then who am I?
She said, "You are the leader of your people who chose you and gave you position, then if they hated you they will depose (remove) you. Indeed the Imam who is specified/distinguished by Allah and His Messenger knows the apparent and the interior (hidden), and what happen in the east and the west of good and evil, and if he stood under the sun or the moon he is shadow less. And Imamate is not permissible for the one who worship idol’s, nor for the one who was kafir & then became Muslim. Therefore which one of those are you O Son of Abu Quhafa?"
Abu Bakr said, "I am among the Imams whom Allah chose for His servants!"
She said, "You have lied on Allah, and if you were among whom chosen by Allah, then Allah would mention you in His book as He did for others, indeed the Glorious Almighty said: "And We made of them Imams to guide by Our command when they were patient, and they were certain of Our communications" (32:24). Woe to you, if you were an Imam then what are the names of the sky of the world? The first? The second? The third? The fourth? The fifth? The sixth? The seventh?
Then Abu Bakr became speechless. Then he said, "Their names were kept with Allah who created them."
She said, "If women were allowed to teach men I would have taught you."
Abu Bakr said, "O' Enemy of Allah, If you will say the name of those skies one by one, I will kill you."
She said, "Are you threatening me with death? By Allah I am not bothered to be killed by such person like you but let me tell you this, the name of the first sky is Ailol, and the second Zabnol, the third Sahqom, the fourth Thailol, the fifth Mayen, the sixth Maheez, the seventh Aioth."
Then Abu Bakr and those were with him became confused?! And they said to her: What do you say about Ali?
She said, "What can I say about the Imam of Imams, and the guardian of the guardians, the heaven and earth enlightened by his light, and Tawheed (oneness) cannot be completed except by his true recognition, but you are among those who transgressed and displaced, and you sold your faith for your world."
Abu Bakr said: Kill her! Indeed she has reverted (Murtadd). And she was killed.
Imam Ali (as) was in a hamlet which belonged to him in Wadi Al Qura (Valley) then when he returned and he was informed about the death of Umme farwa he went out towards her grave. Then there were four white birds next to her grave, their beaks were red, and in every beak there was one red seed of pomegranate with deepest reddish and they were entering through a hole in the grave. Then when the birds looked at Ali (as), they flapped and quacked, then he answered them in language similar to theirs then he said: I will do it inshallah.
Then Imam Ali (as) stood by her grave and raised his hand toward the sky and said, "O You who make souls alive after death, and You Who recreate the crumbly bones, bring Umme farwa alive for us and make her a lesson for those who disobeyed you."
Then a caller said, "At your disposal O Amir al-Momineen". Then Umme farwa came out wearing green shroud made of fine and thick silk, and she said: O My Master, the son of Abu Quhafa wanted to put out your light, but Allah refuses except to perfect your light.
Then news arrived to Abu Bakr and Omar and they were stunned. Salman told them, "If Abu Al-Hassan (Imam Ali) begged Allah to bring alive the ancient and the later ones, Allah would bring them alive."
Then Amir al-Momineen (as) retuned her to her husband, and she gave birth of two sons. And she lived for six months after Ali (as).
[Source: al-Kharaij Wa al-Jaraeh, Vol. 2, Pg. 548 / Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 41, Pg. 199]