Standing up upon mention of al-Qaim (atfs)
Narration 1:
سئل مولانا الصادق صلوات الله عليه عن سبب القيام عند ذكر لفظ القائم (عليه السلام) من ألقاب الحجة. قال: لأن له غيبة طولانية ومن شدة الرأفة إلى أحبته ينظر إلى كل من يذكره بهذا اللقب المشعر بدولته، ومن تعظيمه أن يقوم العبد الخاضع عند نظر المولى الجليل إليه بعينه الشريفة فليقم وليطلب من الله جل ذكره تعجيل فرجه
Imam Sadiq (as) was asked about the reason for standing up upon mention of the tile al-Qaim (atfs).
Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Because there will be a long occultation for Him and due to His intense compassion towards those who love Him, He looks at everyone who remembers Him with this title which is a remembrance of His rulership. And it is out of respect that a submissive slave stands up when His lofty Master (atfs) is looking at Him with his noble eyes and then prayers to Allah (swt) for an early reappearance of His Master."
[Source: Mustadrak Safeenat al-Bihar, Vol. 8, Pg. 629]
Narration 2:
وروي أيضا عن مولانا الرضا (عليه السلام) في مجلسه بخراسان، قام عند ذكر لفظة القائم ووضع يديه في رأسه الشريف وقال: اللهم عجل فرجه وسهل مخرجه
Narrated that Imam al-Ridha (as) in His gathering in Khurasan stood up upon the mention of the name al-Qaim and placed His hand on His Holy head and said, "O Allah, hasten His reappearance and make easy His emergence."
[Source: Mustadrak Safeenat al-Bihar, Vol. 8, Pg. 629]
Narration 3:
لما قرأ دعبل قصيدته المعروفة على الرضا (عليه السلام) وذكر الحجة (عليه السلام) إلى قوله: خروج إمام لا محالة خارج * يقوم على اسم الله والبركات وضع الرضا (عليه السلام) يده على رأسه وتواضع قائما ودعا له بالفرج
When the poet De'bal recited his famous poetry for Imam al-Ridha (as) and in it when he mentioned Imam al-Hujjah (atfs) saying,
"The Rise of the Imam, the rising which is inevitable (must happen).
He will rise with the name of Allah (swt) and with His blessings"
Imam Ridha (as) stood up and placed His hand over His head and stood up in humility and prayed for his reappearance."
[Source: Mustadrak Safeenat al-Bihar, Vol. 8, Pg. 629]