The one who abused the companions of the Prophet

روى السيد علي بن عبدالحميد في كتاب السلطان المفرج عن أهل الايمان عند ذكر من رأى القائم عليه‌السلام قال : فمن ذلك ما اشتهرو ذاع ، وملا البقاع ، وشهد بالعيان أبناء الزمان ، وهو قصة أبوراجح الحمامي بالحلة وقد حكى ذلك جماعة من الاعيان الاماثل وأهل الصدق الافاضل. منهم الشيخ الزاهد العابد المحقق شمس الدين محمد بن قارون سلمه الله تعالى قال : كان الحاكم بالحلة شخصا يدعى مرجان الصغير ، فرفع إليه أن أبا راجح هذا يسب الصحابة ، فأحضره وأمر بضربه فضرب ضربا شديدا مهلكا على جميع بدنه ، حتى أنه ضرب على وجهه فسقطت ثناياه واخرج لسانه فجعل فيه مسلة من الحديد (١) ، وخرق أنفه ، ووضع فيه شركة من الشعر وشد فيها حبلا وسلمه إلى جماعة من أصحابه وأمرهم أن يدوروابه أزقة الحلة ، والضرب يأخذ من جميع جوانبه ، حتى سقط إلى الارض وعاين الهلاك.

فاخبر الحاكم بذلك ، فأمر بقتله ، فقال الحاضرون : إنه شيخ كبير ، وقد حصل له ما يكفيه ، وهو ميت لما به فاتركه وهو يموت حتف أنفه ، ولا تتقلد بدمه وبالغوا في ذلك حتى أمر بتخليته وقد انتفخ وجهه ولسانه ، فنقله أهله في الموت ولم يشك أحد أنه يموت من ليلته.

فلما كان من الغد غدا عليه الناس فاذا هو قائم يصلي على أتم حالة ، وقد عادت ثناياه التي سقطت كما كانت ، واندملت جراحاته ، ولم يبق لها أثر والشجة قد زالت من وجهه.

فعجب الناس من حاله وساءلوه عن أمره فقال : إني لما عاينت الموت ، ولم

يبق لي لسان أسأل الله تعالى به فكنت أسأله بقلبي واستغثت إلى سيدي ومولاي صاحب الزمانعليه‌السلام فلما جن علي الليل فاذا بالدار قدامتلات نورا وإذا بمولاي صاحب الزمان ، قد أمر يده الشريفة على وجهي وقال لي : اخرج وكد على عيالك ، فقد عافاك الله تعالى ، فأصبحت كما ترون.

وحكى الشيخ شمس الدين محمد بن قارون المذكور قال : واقسم بالله تعالى إن هذا أبوراجح كان ضعيفا جدا ، ضعيف التركيب ، أصفر اللون ، شين الوجه مقرض اللحية ، وكنت دائما أدخل الحمام الذي هو فيه وكنت دائما أراه على هذه الحالة وهذا الشكل فلما أصبحت كنت ممن دخل عليه ، فرأيته وقد اشتدت قوته وانتصبت قامته ، وطالت لحيته ، واحمر وجهه ، وعاد كأنه ابن عشرين سنة ولم يزل على ذلك حتى أدركته الوفاة.

ولما شاع هذا الخبر وذاع طلبه الحاكم وأحضره عنده وقد كان رآه بالامس على تلك الحالة وهو الآن على ضدها كما وصفناه ، ولم ير بجراحاته أثرا وثناياه قد عادت فداخل الحاكم في ذلك رعب عظيم ، وكان يجلس في مقام الامام عليه‌السلام في الحلة ، ويعطي ظهره القبلة الشريفة ، فصار بعد ذلك يجلس ويستقبلها ، وعاد يتلطف بأهل الحلة ، ويتجاوز عن مسيئهم ، ويحسن إلى محسنهم ، ولم ينففه ذلك بل لم يلبث في ذلك إلا قليلا حتى مات

Sayyid Ali bin Abdul Hameed, a person of faith, in the book of Sultan al-Mufarraj writes:

"Of all those who have seen Imam Zamana (a.s.), there is the most famous and well known incident of Abu Rahjeh Hamaami in Hilla, and it is narrated by a group of scholars and eminent people of that town. Among those eminent personalities is also the pious, senior and virtuous Shaykh Shamsuddin Muhammad bin Qaroon.

He says that there was a ruler in Hilla called ‘Marjaan, the younger’. Some people reported to him that Abu Rajeh abuses the companions of the Prophet. So he got Abu Rajeh arrested and ordered him to be beaten. They beat him so severely that each part of his body was injured and they hit at his mouth so much that his teeth were broken.

Then they pierced his tongue with a thick iron needle. Then they pierced his nose and put a rope through it. After that he was given over to the ruler's men to take him around the lanes of Hilla in this manner and ordered that he should be thrashed from every side. It happened in this way and the poor man fell down exhausted; people thought that he was dead.

They informed the king and he ordered his execution. Those present in the court wanted to know what purpose would be served by his execution. Since he was an old man this much punishment was enough for him. He was already dead, so he should be left now, and he would die his natural death. Why should the king take the responsibility of his death? When people petitioned much, he ordered his release.

Since he was seriously injured, his relatives carried him home like a corpse, everyone was sure that he would not survive that night as no sign of life remained in his body. However when people came to see him the next day they found him in perfect health and physically fit, engrossed in ritual prayers. His teeth, that had been broken, were back in his mouth in a perfect condition. The wounds of his body and face had healed so completely as if he never had any injuries in the first place.

They were shocked at this and asked him how that came to be. He said: I was looking at death with my own eyes. Since my tongue could not move, I was unable to utter any supplication, so I prayed to Allah in my mind and beseeched my master. When the greater part of the night had passed, I saw that the complete house was lit by a luminosity and my master, His Eminence, the Master of the Time was stroking my face and saying: Now get up and go to your family. You are perfectly all right now. Thus when I got up in the morning, I was absolutely healthy as you can all see.

Shamsuddin Muhammad bin Qaroon says: By Allah, Abu Rajeh was a frail and thin man, having sallow complexion; he was very ugly and had a small beard. I used to visit the same public bath he frequented and I always saw him in the above condition. But that morning when I went to see him with other people, I saw him physically strong, his limbs powerful and his height had also increased. The beard was also bigger than before and the complexion had a pinkish hue. It seemed as if he were a young man of twenty years. And he remained like that till his end.

When the news of his miraculous recovery spread, the governor of Hilla summoned him; who one day before had seen him in a very serious condition; but now he was perfectly cured and there no sign of any injury and his teeth were also intact. The ruler was highly impressed by this and filled with awe.

Previously when he sat at the place of Imam Zamana (a.s.) in Hilla, he used to turn his back to it, but after this incident, he used to sit facing it and he also changed his behavior with the people of Hilla. He used to forgive their mistakes and acted nicely with everyone in general. But all this was of no use to him and he died after some days.

[Source: Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 52, Pg 70/71]